Monday, January 25, 2010

Speaking of Salvage!


We were treated to a Good Word by Peter who came to us from our sister church, Park Drive in Oliver.  He spoke on the fact that God is in the job of recycling!  He does not consider people as throwaway. 

He spoke of Nicodemus and Jesus and I'm sure you will enjoy his take on some scenes from the Bible which support his message.  Just click on the play button to hear it. 

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

Thank you so much for speaking to us!  Your wisdom and words have inspired us. 



We will be enjoying a message from JUSSI this coming Sunday (January 31st)  It would be wonderful if we can have a good attendance! 



Women's Bible Meeting

Tuesday, January 26th - 10 a.m.

Isabelle's place

We will be listening to and discussing Part 4 of "Friendships of Women" from Midday Connection from Moody Bible Institute.

Bible Study

Wednesday, January 27th - 7:00 p.m.

Led by Al Johnson

18 Larkspur Place

Phone: 250-495-5133

Please call if you need directions.  You should bring a pen and paper and have studied Psalm 119 verses 17:32 as we will be focussing on these passages. 

Church Family Valentines Luncheon

February 14 2010 12:30 p.m.

We will be calling around to establish a menu! 


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Hello Everyone,

As I watched the Olympic Torch go by (from a great distance and from the comfort of my own home as I did not know what time they were passing) I could hear the sirens, see the flashing lights and hear the yells and cheers of encouragement.  It was contagious - just hearing it makes one "quicken" to be part of something inspiring and bigger.  

This happened to me and Miles often when we would take part in Road Races when we used to run.  Even if our intent was simply to run for the enjoyment, once one gets in a crowd with running toward a united prize your spirit is gripped with the desire to do better!  I was drawn to form pictures in my mind of the crowds that always surrounded Jesus whenever he was about.  I'm sure when he was arriving at any place the crowds swelled like this and rumours and speculation bubbled through the people.  Jesus was a people magnet and I'm sure being part in seeing Him would be no less electrifying than anything I could ever imagine.  

Jesus gives each of us the ability to inspire and quicken believers and non-believers alike.
  Just as with running, besides only running to keep fit - its good to "put the prize before you" - to enter an OFFICIAL race now and again.  Run for a PURPOSE.  Run WITH people.  Help someone along the way.  Sometimes the best stories in a road race is how someone helped someone in a wheelchair, or who was injured.  The race is as much about the JOURNEY as the finish... sometimes the finish is defined by the journey.  For what could mean more (more than any medal or certificate) than to hear the words:

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

Matthew 25:21

Blessings on your week!

~ Barb

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Birthday Bash, House Warming and What's YOUR Story Going to be?


I apologise ahead of time for this post being a brief one.  I won't have a tremendous amount of time to write. 

Our church was filled with energetic Praise and Worship with the "Away" Team joining us from Park Drive Pentecostal from Oliver.  As always the music was phenomenal and the songs so timely. 

Of course we, as I'm sure most churches across the country and around the world, were having a conversation about Haiti and the earthquake and lifting the tremendous needs there.  Its a reminder of God's mighty power and at the same time of miracles being seen as people are being rescued from the destruction. 

Pastor Bart delivered the WORD - I had intended to capture it in audio to share here but afraid I must confess I was downstairs checking on a Brie (cheese) with cranberries baked in pastry when he began his sermon.  Yes, I know, I was being a Mary... My consequence is that I did not time it correctly to catch Bart's talk. 


Copyright Gospel Communications International, Inc -

So, I will have to sum up as best I can of his WORD.  (Good test if I was listening well, correct?)  Bart recently read a book by a well known Christian author who has been asked to have his life story made into a movie.  The author is daunted by the very thought - how to make a MOVIE about his own life?  Have YOU thought about what sort of a story would be written about YOUR life if you were to put pen to paper? 

Would you find yourself at the beginning of a story, do you have goals - a plot?  A conclusion?  Are you simply going along? 

Bart had us "floating" on a boat between two shores.  One where we came from and one where we hoped to be in the future.  Will we stay the course even when all we can see is open water?  Will we turn back if the weather gets rough or we are bored?  Will we start to have doubts the other shore actually exists if we can't physically see it within a certain time? 

Besides all the mundane tasks of life, what are we doing to leave our mark - to add to the Kingdom?  Is our focus to do SOMETHING of account which will be a witness to our Saviour?  Is it obvious?  Would someone who perhaps have to write about our life FOR US... would it be obvious to them? 

Its what Christ died for - so that HIS name could live on through each and every one of us.  He gives everybody the ability to live in such a way that HE is written very visibly into our story. 

Bart asked us to ponder upon Philippians 1.

THANK YOU Bart, for your thought provoking sermon.  I know you've got me searching my mind and heart.



Isabelle celebrated her 80th birthday recently.  She was treated to a surprise birthday party/dinner at the church.  Leila and Nathan cooked her a fabulous lasagne dinner and made a cake (FROM SCRATCH) for her.  The party was well-attended - every seat was filled! 




Nathan and Leila!

And then we had a warm and wonderful house - warming party for Nathan and Leila who have moved into a sweet little place near the beautiful shores of the lake.  This young couple have done a tremendous amount of work in order to make it a HOME. 

We all brought something nummy and squeezed ourselves into their new/old redecorated and renovated home and had ourselves a wonderful celebration.  We pray the Lord will make their home a joyous place of peace and that HIS presence will always be felt there. 

Thank you to all who contributed to the party to make it a success. 



Wednesday, January 20th  7:00

OCC Church

Bible Study - hosts Al and Ken Johnson. 



"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. "

Philippians 4: 6

Lindsay Lorenco ... cancer

Steve Lyons ... asthma

Henri Credger ... grieving the loss of a friend

Ken Johnson ... unnamed prayer request

Florence and Dale ... as they minister "south of the border"

Ralph and Krista ... living on the Island at the moment

Jim and Elaine ... in their new ministry on the island 

Marie and Cecil ... Cecil's illness and Marie looking after him 

Ken and Angie ...  their children's school bus route has been cancelled.  Please pray the authorities reconsider with more evidence being brought to light and with the exposure from the video on CHBC tv. 

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010 - What Does the Lord Want For Us?

2009 came and was a year of growth not FOR Osoyoos Christian Centre, but it was a year of growth FOR US within our church. All in all our numbers remained small - some new people joined our family while others moved on. It was difficult sometimes because its so natural for us to equate "numbers" with the worth of our church.

In an "instant gratification" society we are often advised to 'cut and run' if we don't experience quick profits, if we don't increase. And admittedly its sometimes very difficult not to get sucked into this frame of thought - and we get sucked in when we allow ourselves to think the church is about US. But we can stand firm in the knowledge that God has a good plan for OCC.

By waiting, by being faithful we have been given some wonderful gifts - the fruit of waiting and hoping in the Lord. By working when we were tired we were given STRENGTH when we prayed for it. By waiting when sometimes the grass looked greener elsewhere we were given VISION for the potential of our own church. By praying for fortitude in this season we were rewarded with FELLOWSHIP from our sister - church in Oliver. By shouldering responsibilities we were allowed to discover GIFTS AND TALENTS we may not have known we possessed. By being real and accepting exactly what our church is we were rewarded with SEEING THE BLESSINGS and not the shortcomings of Osoyoos Christian Centre. And by choosing to honour our small church family we allowed newcomers to join in our vision of what we KNOW the Lord is going to do in our midst in the future. And sometimes when we felt ragged and tired we needed only to look to our senior members - some have been faithful to Osoyoos Christian Centre for 33 YEARS! How could be immune to their sacrifice?

And we are grateful that the Lord has heard our petition and we look forward with great anticipation for the arrival of Pastor Jussi and his wife Leena to join our family soon.

Jussi and Leena come to us with clear conviction that their appointment is here with us - that they too feel the time is ripe for a Great Revival. How awesome is this? How can we not be excited to be poised at this time of our church history? How will Jesus use Osoyoos Christian Centre this year? I'm confident that when I blog next year at this same time there will be some incredible and joyful history to be recounted!

Won't you please lift our little church in your prayers? We know that God can do MIGHTY works with small numbers!



Tuesday January 12th

1:30 PM

OCC Women's Bible Meeting

At Isabelle's place.

Wednesday January 13th

OCC Bible Study

7:00 PM

Hosted by Ken and Al Johnson

At Osoyoos Christian Centre

This study will be focussed on Psalm 119 but also please 42 read Psalm 29 in preparation.

Finch Crescent, Osoyoos BC

Sunday January 17th

House Warming Party!

For Nathan and Leila Freeman

Right after Sunday Service

At their home - email occwomenonline@gmail to request a map or come to church and follow the train of cars!

This is a pot-luck so expect a call this week asking what you might contribute.



Betty provided the WORD today - a wonderful and inspirational reflection on Communion. She reminded that Jesus the very night He was betrayed, took bread. One of the last things He did before going to the Mount of Olives where he was betrayed. When we share in Communion we are reminded of His sacrifice - and invited to share and ponder in how HUGE what He did for us. Won't you listen to Betty's WORD and allow yourself to ponder along with us? Just click the PLAY button to listen.

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at