Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Poem by Marie

photo credit: ba1969@sxc

Just As I Am

I see myself just as I am,
Puffed up in knowledge and pride,
But I am now a creature brand new,
With my Savior, My Lord at my side.

He's my very first thought at the crack of dawn,
He's Lord of my day and my night,
He gives me a song when everything's wrong,
And another when everything's right.

He's Lord of my actions, He's Lord of my words,
He guides; and supplies all my needs.
He prunes me and trims me and lovingly scolds -
I'll follow wherever He leads!

by Marie Primeau

Thank you to Marie for sharing this wonderful poem with us. Be checking back for more over the coming weeks.

Isabelle suggests we read Psalm 111 when we have the time.

Rose has chosen the subject for bible study over the coming two weeks - "A Timely Word" is the subject. We would love to know your thoughts on this topic and welcome any scripture, poems, photos, stories or thoughts which use this theme.

As always, we look forward to connecting on Wednesday evening at 7 for our online meeting.

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